#ProjectPoetry: At The Eleventh Hour

11hour gif

an anthology of poems about love, loss, heartbreak, sadness, and a glint of hope despite of everything.


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Hi, everyone! I’m so happy to share you this poetic sequence I worked on for the past couple of months. It was a sudden decision for me to “self-publish” this book, because my goal really is to submit my works to a legit publishing company. But since, a few friends have been asking for a copy, I told myself, “Why not publish it on my own?” It took me monthsssss to finish the whole sequence, do a lot of revisions on each poem and on the whole theme of the poetry book. Nevertheless, all hard work is worth it.

Facts about At The Eleventh Hour

  1. It is originally called “of random kisses and heartaches” which I originally posted on Wattpad last summer.
  2. The title of the book is from the idiomatic expression “the eleventh hour” which basically means doing things before it’s too late. I just came across it while browsing for things on the internet while on a break at the office. And I thought, oh this is perfect. I came to this realization that “at the eleventh hour” is very close to my personal experiences, especially the ones that left an impact to me, the ones that made me feel a lot of things including pain and sadness, but at the same time, made me learn and realize a lot of things.
  3. The chapter illustrations are done by my college friend and classmate, Kimberly Dizon. She’s also the one who made some of the illustrations we used for our poems over our Facebook page, Why Are We So Full of Coincidences
  4. I did a lot for this book from cover to cover. From the poems, layout, to binding, it’s all self-made with a bit of help and support from friends.
  5. I listened to a lot of songs during my writing process, but I think one of the songs that really speak to me while I’m at it was Halsey’s 100 Letters from Hopeless Fountain Kingdom album.
You said, “Please don’t go away.”
I said, “It’s too late.”
100 Letters, Halsey

what else is there to talk about

what else is there to talk about?

i already tasted the world without us. looking up, i saw the sweetness is gone and is replaced with the image of me suckling in death, shouting curses and poetry like a drunk man on a friday evening.

nobody decided to change our chat nicknames as if we can pretend that nothing happened, but the moment you said “i’ll just hangout with you and your friends sometimes”, i tried to wash away the hope of you and me, together in one novel.

so i left the pen uncapped and i promised myself i won’t write about you anymore.

— eragabrinez


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

alphabet soup

unlocked today is the
from a once child in the underground
being instructed of
who or what to love,
to a grown up mind soaring
with confidence and singing
with a voice that echoes;
for the tabloids tell us
we can only choose pink or blue,
and he’s for she — you’re a taboo.
so keep raising your flags,
splash these walls with colors
and fairy dusts,
and write your whole name in caps
because whatever letter it begins,
you belong in the alphabet

— era gabrinez, 033118


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.